Partnering for Growth
Our mission is to build trusted partnerships with our investors and management teams that deliver sustainable value to all our stakeholders.
Our Mission
GiantLeap is focused on delivering superior value built on the foundation of trust, alignment, and a strong ethos of risk management.
Founders with 50+ years of collective experience and a cohesive team aligned by strong values and past working relationships.
As dedicated partners, we actively work with our management teams to provide resources, expertise, and relationships to accelerate their growth.
Investor-GP-management team alignment of interest in the form of both financial commitment and entrepreneurial vision are critical to drive value creation.
Our investment process is guided by thematic research focusing on transformational technologies capable of disrupting critical industries and supported by strong secular trends.
Value-oriented, flexible capital with a public and private lens drives our disciplined, risk-focused underwriting approach by providing a competitive edge to source, price, and exit high-conviction opportunities.
Our team is aligned and committed to ESG and DEI values and works with management teams to implement our proprietary S.T.E.P.S. operational value enhancement and S.E.E.D.S. ESG analytics programs.