Creating Value

GiantLeap’s value creation approach is built on our proprietary S.T.E.P.S.™ operational value enhancement and S.E.E.D.S.™ ESG analytics programs, and complemented by our operating advisors who bring deep industry insights and operational expertise.

Value Creation Programs


Our S.T.E.P.S.™ proprietary operational value enhancement program is based on our combined 50 years of experience as investors and operators partnering with management teams to transform and scale their businesses.

  • Key strategic planning components include a focus on revenue quality and growth, ensuring operational best practices, executing on a 100-day and beyond plans, and creating M&A and exit roadmaps.

  • Critical one-team initiatives include achieving employee ownership, aligning management incentives for performance, setting up a strong advisory network, and ensuring board-level engagement.

  • Execution goal posts include a clear revenue enhancement plan, a path to profitable growth, identification of strategic M&A scale-up options, and alignment of disparate incentives.

  • Important partnership initiatives include introducing the GiantLeap network, developing a strategic partner ecosystem including industry-related public companies, and making board-level introductions.

  • Sustainability-driven value creation focuses on S.E.E.D.S.™ ESG analytics program during due diligence, leverages ESG KPI tracking protocol, and takes advantage of GiantLeap expert advisors and networks for DEI leadership enhancement.


We leverage our S.E.E.D.S.™ ESG analytics program during diligence to assess where GiantLeap can be most impactful through our expertise, relationships, and resources.

  • Our focus on sustainable growth includes climate change mitigation, UNSDGs and SASB alignment, as well as resiliency responses to climate change and energy transition risks.

  • We integrate into our investment process environmental factors such as natural capital (air, water, land, forests, etc.) stewardship, resource conservation & waste management, and environmental risk transparency and reporting.

  • Corporate governance-led initiatives are aimed at achieving effective and accountable governance, key stakeholder engagement, and transparent reporting and data sharing.

  • We drive organizational impact by encouraging board diversity and effectiveness; equal opportunity; a diverse and engaged workforce; and a focus on human capital management to optimize recruiting, training, and productivity.

  • GiantLeap will consider advancing positive social impact by expanding access and options to critical services, mitigating impacts to the community, and promoting education access and advancement.